Imagine What’s HOT | Firing Up Your Revenue with ImagineSoftware’s Features & Functionality
Description: Summer is heating up, and so is your Revenue Cycle! Join ImagineSoftware’s live webinar event, showcasing the HOTTEST features and functionality, firing up your team’s productivity, accuracy, and yes, REVENUE. From intelligent billing and patient engagement tools to an integrated clearinghouse, and more, experience the industry’s hottest, most automated RCM technology for yourself!
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Strategic Scalability | Building Organizational Resilience & Revenue Growth
In the ever-evolving healthcare industry, it is paramount to obtain organizational resilience; going beyond risk management and providing a holistic approach to your business’ health and success. Join ImagineSoftware for our live webinar event, sharing practical strategies and proven methodologies for navigating uncertainty, mitigating risks, and driving sustainable growth. Step away with a comprehensive understanding of strategic scalability, from enhancing operational agility, to diversifying revenue streams, and optimizing resource allocation - Setting your organization apart from surviving to thriving!
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Closing the Loop: Automating Patient Follow-up
Only 50% of recommended follow-up recommendations are completed by the average patient, possibly hindering your patients' outcomes and leaving valuable revenue on the table... However, automation technology is transforming that. Explore the future of patient engagement with ImagineSoftware’s RadNav, empowering you to optimize patient retention and strengthen your organization. Tune in to learn more about how to implement workflow automation and artificial intelligence into your patient follow-up process, and leverage features such as intelligent reminders, tailored communications, and smart analytics - All designed for your radiology patients and practices!
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Profit & Protect | Leveraging AI for Cybersecurity
May 2nd is World Password Day, promoting more secure cyber habits and protecting valuable data. Join ImagineSoftware for our live webinar event, where you will explore how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing cybersecurity and even fueling cyber-attacks.
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Cracking the Code: The Future of Medical Coding
From navigating complex coding guidelines to adopting the latest technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and machine learning, healthcare administrators and billing teams seek “cracking the code” for enhanced accuracy and seamless workflows. Join ImagineSoftware as we welcome medical coding experts, sharing insights and best practices to increase efficiency, compliance, and revenue. You don’t want to miss this coding panel event!
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The Future [of Healthcare] is Female | An Executive Panel
According to the World Health Organization, women account for 70% of the global healthcare sector - Yet, at the executive level, women make up just 25% of healthcare leadership positions. In celebration of Women’s History Month, ImagineSoftware invites you to the corner office
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Clear the Claims Clutter: Integrating a Clearinghouse Solution into your Revenue Cycle
Physicians and medical billing professionals all experience the “claims clutter” - including inaccurate claims, denials, incorrect patient insurance information, and more. Clearinghouse solutions help healthcare providers by switching from paper to electronic claims, automating processes, reducing errors/denials, maximizing revenue, and even increasing patient engagement.
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The Velocity of AI | Empowering MIPS Reporting
As CMS continues to evolve MIPS reporting requirements, radiology practices are turning to the power of artificial intelligence (AI), earning MIPS points and Medicare reimbursements. Join ImagineSoftware as we welcome Guidance Analytics, showcasing their AI-based solution, Velocity MIPS Reporter - An automated AI system to evaluate radiology reports rapidly and accurately, and compile and submit MIPS scores under the CMS Quality Payment Program.
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Form, Function and (Patient) Follow-up: Building the Foundation for Follow-up Care
Only 50% of recommended follow-up recommendations are completed by the average patient, possibly hindering your patients' outcomes and leaving valuable revenue on the table. Radiology organizations, such as the American College of Radiology (ACR), warn of this "leakage" and urge radiologists and imaging centers to take action.
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Who Runs the (RCM) World? AI | Leveraging and Implementing the Power of Artificial Intelligence
In 2024, Artificial Intelligence and Automation technology are essential, especially in revenue cycle management. While AI can be intimidating to many medical practices and healthcare organizations, with a thoughtful implementation plan in place it can be a breeze to roll out. Join ImagineSoftware's live webinar event to discover how best to leverage automation technology, enhancing billing and coding efforts in your practice, and increasing valuable time for your team to focus on high-importance tasks - while AI is working in the background to expedite workflows.
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