A Guide to Reconciliation
The threat by Senate Democrats to pass President Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Covid Relief Bill without Republican support through “Reconciliation” may have you wanting to know more about that process.
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President Biden & Health Care
The beginning of a new administration always brings apprehension and anticipation. How dramatically will the next President change the trajectory of the country, if at all? Who will take leadership roles in the Executive branch, and will Congress enhance- or defeat- the new President’s priorities?
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3 Tips to Negotiate Healthcare Payer Contracts Like A Pro
How well do you know your payer contracts? Understanding their terms and requirements are crucial to maximum reimbursement, but that’s no easy task. Confusing legal language and lengthy agreements are more than enough to cause discomfort and even reluctance to really delve deep into what each contract entails.
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What To Expect in Healthcare in 2021
As the last gyrations over the 2020 election move to the sidelines and the new Biden/Harris Administration names its Health Team – what can healthcare executives, professionals, and systems expect in 2021?
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Sorting ImagineSoftware Ticklers for Maximum Effectiveness
If you’re new to ImagineSoftware or have employees that are, you may need a refresher (or recommendations) on how to best utilize your insurance and denial ticklers for maximum effectiveness.
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